
Trying to teach science one stream at a time. 

Check out an overview of the Twitch stream below.

Go to the ScienceEDU page for science teaching resources. I have all kinds of topics, activities, and resources I've collected over the past 22 years of teaching.

Sunday: Science News

Sunday morning ET chat! Have some coffee, visit some news, maybe play some games. 

I'll be hanging out and chatting and trying not to wake up anyone else in the house. Tell me some science news to check out. We'll share a cup and welcome in the day.

Current Friday Game: Random

~8pm or earlier. Game might be science related. Then again it might not be. Whether it's Surviving Mars or LEGO Fortnite we'll have a good time chatting and playing.

Stay Connected!

Image Credits: Twitch ScienceStreams logo and graphics made by Alice Games YouTube Logo - YouTube, Public domain, via Wikimedia CommonsTwitter Logo - Josh Borup, PixabayTwitch Logo -, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia CommonsDiscord Logo - Seishennaruto, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons